Our Mission

Our school recognises that each pupil who enrols in our school is unique and has different gifts as well as different needs.It is our wish that our pupils will leave us with enhanced self-confidence and with life skills and attitudes which will enable them to lead lives satisfying to themselves and which may contribute to the betterment of society.

We recognise that a pupil’s development is closely linked to a good self image and so we strive to present the school’s total curriculum in such a manner as to allow all to realise their full potential.

We see ourselves as working in partnership with parents to develop the gifts and to meet the needs of all. We regard our school as an educational establishment with a Christian community characterised by care and justice

Our Vision

Through quality teaching and learning in an atmosphere enlivened by the vision of Edmund Rice, we in St. Joseph’s Secondary School strive to empower students to achieve their full potential.

The Five Key Elements of an Edmund Rice School are:

● Nurturing faith, Christian spirituality and Gospel-based values;
● Promoting partnership in the school community
● Excelling in teaching and learning;
● Creating a caring school community;
● Inspiring transformational leadership