Transition Year (TY) is a one-year programme that forms the first year of a three-year senior cycle in St Joseph’s. It is designed to act as a bridge between the Junior Certificate and Leaving Certificate programmes. Transition year in St Joseph’s is optional and involves 3 individual weeks of work experience.
Transition Year offers students an opportunity to mature and develop without the pressure of an examination. It also provides an opportunity for students to develop real life skills, such as organising events, working as part of a team or group, giving presentations to groups, getting involved in charity events, doing paired reading in the primary school, helping out in a nursing home and stepping out of one’s comfort zone by participating in the school musical.
Transition Year in St Joseph’s is year where students mature, develop new friendships and explore new skills which they can use outside the classroom long after they leave school.
A strong academic focus is maintained throughout Transition Year. All students study English, Irish and Maths, as well as the continental language they studied at Junior Cycle.
The Transition Year program is reviewed each year. The modules on offer in St Joseph’s are intended to give students as broad a range of academic, practical and real-life experiences as possible. TYs experience a wide range of interesting modules such as;
GAA Future Leaders
Continental Language (French/German/Spanish)
Coding & Robotics
Computer Studies
CAD & Solidworks
Applied Maths
Career Guidance
Home Economics
Jiu Jitsu
Politics & Society
Couch to 5K
First Aid
Performance Arts
Car Maintenance
Touch Typing
Driving Lessons