Leaving Certificate

All students study English, Irish and Maths, career guidance, SPHE, non-exam Religion and PE. We provide an extensive variety of subjects for students to study at Leaving Certificate to cater for all interests. In addition, every student chooses a further 4 subjects from the following list of 25;

  1. Applied Mathematics

  2. Business

  3. Accounting

  4. Economics

  5. History

  6. Geography

  7. Politics & Society

  8. Classical Studies

  9. Religious Education (Exam)

  10. German

  11. Spanish

  12. French

  13. Technology

  14. Construction Studies

  15. Design & Communication Graphics (DCG)

  16. Agricultural Science

  17. Biology

  18. Chemistry

  19. Physics

  20. Physical Education (Exam)

  21. Art

  22. Music

  23. Home Economics

  24. Computer Science

  25. Drama, Film & Theatre Studies



Students are also given the opportunity to study the Leaving Certificate Vocational Program. LCVP students take their 7 subjects as normal for Leaving Cert, plus an extra subject, which is broken down into 2 link modules. More detailed information on the link modules can be found on  The link modules are;

1.     Preparation for the world of work.

2.     Enterprise Education.