Core Subjects - All students study the following;

  1. Irish

  2. English

  3. Mathematics

  4. Science

  5. Geography

  6. History

  7. Religious Education

  8. Digital Media and Literacy (Junior Cycle Short Course)

Option Subjects – Students choose 3 subjects from the following list;

  1. Business Studies

  2. Classics

  3. Graphics

  4. Wood Technology

  5. Applied Technology

  6. Visual Art

  7. Music

  8. Home Economics

  9. Spanish

  10. French

  11. German

All students also study non exam subjects;

  1. Wellbeing (click the box below for more information)

  2. PE

  3. SPHE (Social, Personal, Health Education)

  4. CSPE (Civic, Social, Political Education)

More information on the subjects above can be accessed on www.curriculumonline.ie