The Ploughing Championship 2018

Originally, we were meant to go to the Ploughing Championships on Wednesday the 19th of September. However, due to the weather conditions it was called off and we had to turn back after driving for 3 hours. It was frustrating but we went the next day instead so it turned out alright. We departed the school at 8am on Thursday the 20th of September. It was a very wet windy day so we made sure to wear suitable clothes. It was quite a long journey and there was lots of traffic but the wait was definitely worth it. We arrived at about 11am and straight away were blown away by the spectacle. The sheer size of the area was unbelievable and there was an amazing variety of stalls and shops. There were stalls selling food, drinks, clothes and countless other things. There were many machines and vehicles also. The food was delicious. It was very interesting and I learned a lot. After about 5 hours we left at 3pm. We arrived home at 7pm. It was a great experience and something I would recommend to everyone. By Joe Sayers


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